• In-School

    Some area high schools have equipment for woodworking, 3-D printing, and CAD-CNC in storage or sitting unused. We want to see this equipment be activated and made available for students. As a pilot, we are working with Stratford High School to redesign two classrooms to create a woodshop, computers for CAD, a CNC machine, and 3-D printers.

    We are developing one-on-one training for high school and middle school teachers on how to use this existing equipment to make STEAM classes more relevant and exciting.


100% of all donations made in support of The Forge Future Makers are directed towards program and educator costs. We are proud to offer The Forge Future Makers to underserved communities and at-risk youth, at no cost to attending students or their families. All materials and program offerings are subsidized through our generous circle of donors and supporting organizations. Your contribution makes it possible for The Forge to serve and uplift the Nashville community at large, and no amount is too small. We look forward to many years to come of The Forge Future Makers and hope to celebrate your support alongside the rest of our Forge family!
